Thursday, July 29, 2010

New day, new project

Mmm, magical beer, magical wine... tasty, delicious and best when it's mine.

A couple of years ago, I turned that magical age of 21 and could legally drink in the US. I had spent the previous semester to my birthday in Ireland, so waiting all of 6 weeks to purchase my first legal bottles of wine and beer wasn't a big deal. Actually, drinking in general wasn't a big deal because my parents allowed me to taste/drink alcohol when I was in high school. "I'd rather you drink here: I know where you are, what you're doing, and who you're with," my mom would often say. While they never went so far as to purchase things for me, it was always understood that if I wanted to split something with them, I could.

Now that I'm living on my own, having adventures in the great wide somewhere (2 points if you recognize those lyrics) beer and wine has become a regular part of my social life. Whether it's a rowdy crew going out for drinks at Archie Moore's after choir, selecting a drink to pair with dinner, or making sure that my friends with special dietary needs get something tasty, I do have to live within my means. So that's the idea behind the blog: what we found tasty, what we thought gave a good bang for its buck, and sometimes some differing opinions on things. Like that orange soda beer....

We're not going to talk about oak overtones and hoppy finishes. We're going to say "This was tasty! 4.5 stars!" and "What the hell is wrong with this beer? UGH." We're simple, we're fast, we're honest...we're probably brutes with alcohol in our hands. But that's part of the fun!

We're aiming to post at least once a week, though it will be a few days, since we're moving apartments. But stay tuned, and we'll have something for you next week!

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